HDMoto Members priority purchase opportunity

On Thursday February 28th Simon Crafar, who is now globally renowned for rider training, and our MotoFest Legends will host a rider clinic for those wanting to hone their skills on track and learn about bike set-up, maintenance, sponsorship, media and all other aspects of the sport. Simon and our MotoFest legends will run a number of workshops throughout the day and riders will have access to the International Circuit to put into practice what they learn.

Riders are guaranteed at least 5 x 15-minute sessions on track. In between track sessions you will attend all of the following clinics, which will be conducted in a suite or garage.

  1. Riding fast – Motovudu style with Simon Crafar
  2. Making it to the top – Graeme Crosby and Aaron Slight
  3. Bike set-up tips – Paul Treacy, Kevin Magee & Stu Avant
  4. Media & Life After Racing – Steve Parrish & Chris Vermeulen
  5. Rider Safety – Karel Pavich, Pro Rider

All riders will also get a complimentary copy of Simon Crafar’s Motovudu DVD

Price is $349 per person for the day.

For more information, click over to our MotoEvents page:

And to book, click over to: